Friday, February 29, 2008

5,500 year old plaza redefines history of Peru

Again, this falls under the category of "why is this here?" The reasoning is simple -- this is a cool find! It never got the attention that it deserved when it was first published on other websites, so here we are, showing the video. Pretty cool? I hope!

read more | digg story

Or, just visit 0boy's Blog.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Finally, found an actual superbowl commercial that was funny

There just weren't a whole lot this year. Pound for pound, I think this may have been the worst year ever in SuperBowl commercials.

Million dollar budgets, yet they couldn't as a group trump this low budget one by a local Portland Toyota Dealer. Say it ain't so!

Check out Portland Toyota Dealers on YouTube or return to oboy's homepage.

Remembering dreams and getting published... again... quickly

Mark Dykeman from explores the reasons why it took 13 years to get published and why it won't happen that way again.

A very personal look into the mind of one of social media's stars. Touched me personally, as I am in a similar situation.

Dykeman's Post is here. oboy's posts are cool, too!

Stop Smoking, duh

Some people continue to smoke because they like it. Some people continue because it's too hard to quit, in their opinion. Oboy is definitely against smoking!

I think there are those out there who continue to smoke, not because they can't quit, but because they don't think that there will be any benefit. Basically, they think it's too late to quit. Here's some evidence to the contrary.

read more

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Best of The Best Pictures

Since I just posted about a movie, might as well keep going. Here are the top 10 Best Pictures as rated by FilmSchoolRejects.

10. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
9. All About Eve
8. Midnight Cowboy
7. Unforgiven
6. West Side Story
5. Annie Hall
4. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
3. The Godfather
2. Lawrence of Arabia
1. Casablanca

Some of the recent ones that I noticed are missing, since the list seems to be leaning desperately towards the old, are: Silence of the Lambs, Gladiator, and Dances with Wolves.

read more - or just go back to our homepage for 0boy.

Ryan Reynolds in Wolverine -- 2 Guys Destroy a Pizza Place

Ryan Reynolds is oddly versatile. Funny, yet able to be very serious. I would like to see him play a villain someday, just because he can generate a really killer nasty look.

Could play a good serial killer, possibly even a misunderstood evil henchman about to commit some diabolical deed for his evil master played by Anthony Hopkins or something like that.

Not that movies have any place being on this blog, but when I saw this on the front page of Digg, I thought -- hmmm, that is actually somewhat interesting.

read more at or read more from this blog by oboy.

Banners. We hate them. Please stop them.

I am embarassed to admit that I use IE. It isn't that I prefer it over Firefox or other browsers, but in my line of work, it pays to see exactly what the client sees, so IE it is until they change their ways.

That's not the point of this article. The point is that those of us who hate banner advertising, especially those of us who do not have adbockers, are forced into dealing with them website to website, day to day, minute to minute. I can't stand them.

This article talks a little about some of the ways that this practice can be made obsolete through proper, honest advertising instead of by offering to give away a tremendous prize in exchange for some survey answers.

The complete story about blocking banner advertising is interesting, or you can read more stuff that 0boy likes.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Only Reason for Me to Consider an iPhone

I love Starbucks. I can't get around it. Two or three a day is the norm, but I've been known to have 5 venti iced Americanos with extra ice, 5 raw sugars, cream, and whipped cream on top.

If it's possible to order it to that detail (and save the order for quick re-ordering later), I might just have to fork over the hundreds to get an iPhone. Wouldn't use it for anything else, other than as a phone, but the Starbucks feature is enough to at least make me consider it.

Dvice tells the story and has a few nice pictures. Or just, keep it here at Social News Posts from 0boy.

Internet Addiction Affects Many

Internet addiction has led to skipping sleep, ignoring family responsibilities, and showing up late for work to fulfill their desire to visit chat rooms and surf the Web. The consequences were severe: Many suffered from marital problems, failed in school or lost a job, and accumulated debt.

At first, I thought this article was going to be a satire, but now I see that it can be a truly serious problem. Not too different than a substance abuse problem, internet addiction can actually change the way you operate, how you think, and what you care about.

Avoid, avoid, avoid!

Addiction is tough to deal with. If you are addicted, spend more time with oboy.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Writers' Strike Over after 100 days

All I can say about this one is, "Finally, the reduction of reality TV." Don't get me wrong, I supported the writers on this one. They are the underappreciated heart of Hollywood.

Still, it's sad to think of what has happened to the crews: they're the backbone of the industry. Without them, Hollywood is suddenly very low quality indeed. Glad it's over.

read more of the story, then check out more social media by oboy

Wedding Favors Website

I'm married. So why would a wedding favors website be on this blog?

Easy answer: a friend wanted me to post it for him on here.

Hard answer: there are certain aspects of SEO that are both good and bad. Links mean everything, so even a site about wedding favors has a chance to make it to a high quality, super active blog like this one.

Okay, it isn't a high quality blog, but for Wedding Favors, here's the place to go:

Wedding Favors

When you're done with your wedding, you should visit more 0boy stuff.

Adelson on Autobury: "Why would we want to do that?" -- (i.e. sidestep the question)

Some quick facts:

1) All submissions from certain sites get removed from the Upcoming section of Digg sometime around 20 diggs, regardless of how many buries were recorded or who submits it.

2) One story from the social media blog in question was submitted by MrBabyMan. It was removed from upcoming at 20 diggs in 42 minutes.

3) This particular post was removed at 20 diggs after 26 minutes.

4) Despite smokescreens, autobury is a reality, and the proof is coming.

Digg Autobury has the complete story, but you found it at 0boy and his choices for this blog.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Stumble Upon: A performance enhancing drug for bloggers

While in general is one of the most useful, innovative social media sites on the internet, it can often be abused. That isn't to say that it shouldn't be abused or that there's anything wrong with using it for these purposes. It only means that a blog that offers good content and has a decent following can benefit from being stumbled.

Sometimes, the benefit can be huge in the short term and sustained for a long, long time. Well, long in internet terms, which means weeks, potentially even months.

For a blog, this is an eternity.

Check out the information on StumbleUpon and Blogs or go to the front of this social media blog.

Fusion Power in the Next Five Years!

A prominent venture capitalist, Wal van Lierop, of Chrysalix Energy Venture Capital, has begun to invest in companies (such as General Fusion) who are providing patents and technologies for economical fusion power.

What many don't know is that fusion is one of the safest and least expensive forms of producing energy. Sure, there's a risk of killing thousands, but it's a really, really small risk.

Also, there's the whole disposal aspect, but eventually we'll figure out a way to send it all to the sun. I'm for it.

Fusion Power is Coming will tell the whole story, submitted to Digg by MSaleem. Read more stories at the home of a wannabe social media maven.

2008 Guide to Movie Sequels from GeeksOfDoom

There aren't a whole lot of great movies made anymore. Even worse are the sequels. They are rarely made based on the merits of the first. It's usually about the money.

If a movie makes money and there's an opening for a sequel (and usually, movies today are made to "have legs") then there is a great chance that there will at least be a sequel that goes straight o video.

These are the ones coming out in 2008 that should be watched.

GeeksOfDoom for the complete story or visit 0boy's home page.

Mediocrity: The Way of Life Now?

Mediocre. Post is actually a very good one, not because the topic is new or the angle is different, but because of the irony of it. A post about mediocrity. The situations described were... mediocre.

It really spoke to me. There was nothing earth shattering about it. That in itself was absolutely amazing, considering what the post was about. I know it's hard to understand, as it doesn't fit in with a lot of the things that will be covered on this blog, but hey, if you start with mediocre, you have an opportunity for improvement.

Consumer Blotter Story on Mediocrity digg story

Social Media with 0boy

Hello. My name is JD Rucker. I am all over social media.

Here, I will post links to the posts on social media sites that I liked a lot. Some are mine, some aren't, but all are good (at least to me).

You can find me on my Digg oboy account. I was there once as 0boy, but was banned, so I became oboy. Long story.

I am 0boy on Reddit. Not quite as active here as on other sites, but I still like to contribute.

The 0boy StumbleUpon blog is everyone's favorite. Okay, maybe not everyone, but it's my wife's second favorite, next to hers, of course.

My DiffeeOnline Propeller account and DiffeeOnline Mixx account -- let me explain them a bit. When I was a noob in social media, I used the name of my employer as my social media profiles. I deleted most, but kept those two because I didn't have an 0boy presence on them. Sorry for the name confusion.

0boy on Newsvine, JD Rucker on Metafilter, and other that I'll add later. Of course, you could always find me at my newest blog, 0boy oboy social media!
